Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A lucky break with a bargain offer too good to pass up!

I'm amazed at how bargain offers can randomly stumble by when you are least expecting it. Yesterday was one of those days. The mother of SS1's mate called yesterday morning to see if I would be interested in purchasing a couple of electric guitars and an amp that they were no longer using. There was little hesitation on my part and I answered YES before she got the entire question out. Had I budgeted for these? No. So why the willingness to seal the deal?

Well, both boys of mine a very keen on their music. SS1 plays the euphonium (borrowed from the school), the trumpet (bought new but on sale with over $300 off) and the guitar (a birthday gift from the grandparents). SS2 plays the clarinet (bought second hand from a friend), the drums (cost shared with his father), the keyboard (bought second hand from a friend) and borrows SS1's guitar on occasion. They love it and I love that they are so keen about it.

For months and months and months SS1 has been nagging me about an electric guitar knowing full well that it is something that I am unable to afford immediately  .... but he doesn't always get the message and has continued to ask regardless. You can then imagine my surprise when this offer came through: $200 for not one, but two, barely used electric guitars and a little Yamaha amp worth well over $100 on its own.

Not surprisingly there were two *very* grateful and delighted sons yesterday. SS1 even had tears in his eyes as despite the asking, he never actually dreamed it possible. Me? Well, I have brought them some joy, saved a heap and have had to do some financial juggling and rearranging but hey, it's all good. Happy bargain finding to you today too!


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